
校内停车位非常有限. Therefore, we reserve parking space(s) for employers at the Fullerton Marriott adjacent to campus. A maximum of FIVE complimentary parking permits will be provided per organization. Additional parking permits may be purchased on your own from the Fullerton Marriott or campus parking for $10.  The 职业中心 does not assume responsibility for parking ticket violations.


If you have any questions regarding these policies 请联系Stephanie Reyes sreyes@富勒顿.edu 



加州州立大学的校园面试(OCI), Fullerton (CSUF) is a convenient and cost-effective way for employers to select and interview candidates for full-time career employment or career-related paid internship opportunities. 公司信息, 工作描述, resume submissions and interview schedules are all managed through our Online Employer Services program (Titan Connection). OCI services are available upon a consultation with a team member from the Employer Relations unit.

Update**Our On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program has transitioned to a virtual format for our fall 2020 semester. Our Virtual Campus Interview Program will allow you to recruit CSUF students for your paid internship and full-time career opportunities all through our Titan Connection (Symplicity) platform. The types of interview options listed below will still be available with exception to "room reservation" only during our virtual semester. The process of recruiting students for your interview opportunities will take place via the Titan Connection platform, while the actual virtual interview(s) will take place on a virtual platform of your preference. 更多问题请发邮件给Stephanie Reyes sreyes@富勒顿.edu.  


To Schedule Virtual OCI for  Business Majors ONLY click on this link to access Handshake:  http://fullerton.joinhandshake.com/login在新窗口中打开   
For questions regarding Handshake and/or recruiting business students ONLY please contact    recruitbusiness@富勒顿.edu在新窗口中打开   或访问 http://business.stephenandjenny.com/Career-Services//Employers

Fall 2020 Virtual Campus Interview Services are available: August 31, 2020 - December 11, 2020.



  • 登录到现有帐户或注册一个新帐户在新窗口中打开  (请注意, you must consult with a member of the employer relations team prior to being granted the OCI service).
  • 从侧边栏的快捷菜单中选择“创建OCR时间表”.
  • Select the session you are interested in to view  virtual room availability.
  • Fill in all required fields on the form, attach position(s) and click “submit”.

我们将在2个工作日内回复您的请求. 所有申请均以先到先得的方式处理.

We recommend that you make your qualification requirements as broad as possible so that otherwise excellent candidates are not excluded from applying.  If you wish to make last minute modifications to the format of your interview schedule (i.e. 时段, 面试的长度, 开始/结束时间), 请联系Stephanie Reyes, 高级副主任 sreyes@富勒顿.edu





  • 事先选定: Allows the employer to view resumes prior to the campus visit and invite selected students to participate in the on-campus interview.
  • 预选到备用: Allows the employer to view resumes prior to the campus visit and make primary (preselect) and secondary selections (alternate). 被预选的学生将首先报名参加面试时段. After preselect sign up has closed alternate candidates will then have the opportunity to select a time slot. 这种类型的选拔过程几乎可以确保一个完整的时间表.
  • 开放: The open schedule allows qualified candidates to sign up for the interview on a first-come, 先到先得,不允许雇主预先筛选.
  • 仅限订房(虚拟OCI期间不适用): Can only be used in conjunction with one of the schedule types above.



Choose the appropriate schedule based on the number of students you want to interview and your desired 面试的长度. 





一旦你邀请学生来面试, they will sign up for one of the open 时段 that you have made available. 偶尔,你的面试计划会有空档. Please understand that students have selected their time slot around their other academic and work commitments and often find it difficult to reschedule at the last minute.

如果你必须改变你的时间表后,学生报名开放, it is your responsibility to inform our office and to personally contact each student on your interview schedule. Schedules will freeze at 12:00 am the day before the interview date. You will receive the most up-to-date version of your schedule at the 职业中心 on the day of your visit.



校内面试对初级员工开放, 全职职位和与职业相关的带薪实习. Campus interviewing is not available to employers with commission only or draw against salary positions. 职业中心 facilities are to be used solely to speak with students and alumni from CSUF or individuals eligible for CSUF 职业中心 services.

No Lobby Representatives/"Greeters" (not applicable during Virtual OCI)

Due to limited space in our 职业中心 we do not have offices or lobby space available for greeters. You are welcome to reach out to students prior to their interview time to set up a greeter meeting outside of our office.


Should you need to cancel your OCR date/schedule we request that you contact Stephanie Reyes at sreyes@富勒顿.edu 在您实际访问前不少于两个工作日. 我们会通知学生取消考试. 如果没有出现,可能会收取费用.